Every Child Matters

Be Healthy

  • Balanced diet offered, planned over a four week menu
  • Weaning Policy to support parents in our Baby Room
  • Excellent hygiene practices (staff and children)
  • Outdoor facilities, physical exercise encouraged. We have a dance lady that attends called Bizzy Lizzy.
  • Sun Safe Policy

Stay Safe

  • Safe guarding procedures embedded throughout the setting / 12 steps to safer recruitment guidelines are followed
  • Health and Safety and Risk Assessment procedures in place
  • Secure premises / CCTV
  • Children encouraged to take responsibility for their own environment

Enjoy and Achieve

  • As a memento of your child’s time with us, we create an on-going memory book and learning journey, highlighting each child’s achievements and enjoyment whilst in our care. As your child progresses through the nursery their memory book follows them, when one is fully complete it is passed on to you to keep at home.
  • Play based, age appropriate activities in each room
  • Parents can give input in to the planning for their child individually.
  • Next steps for the child are always identified so we are always able to move the child forward with their learning and development.

Make a Positive Contribution

  • SEN and Inclusion Policy
  • Behaviour Management Procedures in place
  • We recognise that communication is key to developing a positive parent partnership. This is established through verbal day to day contact with written records informing you of your child’s progress.
  • We have settling in procedures in place for when a child joins us and also as they pass through from room to room. This is an important time for children and parents and you are offered one to one consultations at times of transition to ensure you have any questions that you may have answered.
  • Equal Opportunities Policy in place. We celebrate the diverse needs of our children and the positive attributes that are brought to the setting. We have regular events to support different festivals and events.

Achieve Economic Well-Being

  • We accept a variety of employer vouchers from employers who offer this benefit to their eligible employees. Vouchers are non-taxable and exempt from NI contributions for employees, whilst offering NI savings for employers. Both parents are eligible to claim as long as they are both in employment.
  • Early Education Entitlement – We are registered to claim EEE for all 3 and 4 year olds, and some eligible 2 year olds. We will automatically claim for your child when they become eligible (term after the 3rd birthday) or for your 2 year old if you meet the criteria. Parents are required to sign a declaration each term to clarify they are not fraudulently claiming elsewhere. Parents are also responsible for advising us of any change of circumstances or child’s details. Fees continue to be paid on a standing order basis but you will see the deduction of EEE being made, therefore reducing your payments. If you wish your child to attend for funded hours only, this must be agreed with the nursery manager and you will need to agree to our terms and conditions which can be found on this website.
  • Throughout the year, we carry out a number of fundraising events to support local and national charities. We feel this encourages the children to care about projects in the community and wider issues.
  • We offer a range of sessions to support all families; we offer (as per our availability) both full and part time spaces. We have full day and half day sessions. For information on prices, please visit our Register and Prices Page.
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